Friday, July 27, 2012

The Dark Knight Rises

TAKE 1: One Mans Opinion

…because film is largely subjective


by Frederick William Springer III

The Dark Knight Rises
Release Date:  20 July 2012                                                                 Runtime:  164 Minutes              
Review Date:  27 July 2012                                                                   Rating:  6 (of 6)

     The Dark Knight Rises delivers where Avengers did not--story.  And though it clocks in at nearly 3 hours, the fast pace of the editing keeps things moving, never leaving one fatigued or looking at their watch.

     I didn't know how I felt about Anne Hathaway cast as Catwoman or her costume when pictures were first released but she owned the role and I never gave much thought to the costume while watching it on the screen.

     The only real issue I had, as did my viewing companion and other patrons sitting around us, was with Bane.  I thought I had read long ago that his synthetic voice tested poorly and they were going back to fix it in post.  Well, I can only imagine how bad it was before since, much of the time, you still can't understand what he is saying.  I get that you want him to have a creepy Darth Vader voice but you always clearly heard what Darth Vader said when he spoke.

     The fact that characters can jump into multiple new high-tech military grade vehicles and instantaneously operate them is a case of suspended disbelief (as in the other films) that the pacing of the story helps you to forgive or at least not allow for time to dwell on such things.

     I found that the The Dark Knight Rises was a very satisfying conclusion to the trilogy.

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