Sunday, July 8, 2012

Snow White and the Huntsman

TAKE 1: One Mans Opinion
…because film is largely subjective

by Frederick William Springer III

Snow White and the Huntsman
Release Date:  1 June 2012                                                                  Runtime:  127 Minutes              
Review Date:  8 July 2012                                                                    Rating:  4 (of 6)

     A new variation on the tale, Snow White and the Huntsman is poorly named as I didn't get the impression that the Huntsman was anything other than a secondary character that joins/aids Snow White on her journey.  A more appropriate title would have been Snow White and Ravenna­­­­, the Queen, as the story skewed more towards the power struggle between the two.

     Here, CGI is used well--nothing looked overly fake and some things actually looked pretty cool.

     I only have 3 minor gripes, presented in order of irritation.  While not unattractive, I have a hard time believing Kristen Stewart would be "fairest of them all" in any land.  The Growing trend (as in Once Upon a Time) to alter the number of the SEVEN dwarfs is also a tad bothersome.  Society gets up in arms when white guys in makeup play the parts of African, Asian or Indian characters, so shouldn't this sentiment carry over here when men of average size are shrunken down to play dwarves?  Parts for little people are scarce as it is, even more so than people of varying ethnicities, so to give those few parts away to those that are taller than 5 foot seems like a slight.  Don't get me wrong, I'm usually anti-P.C. and the performances were well done.  I'm just saying.

     The film, overall was alright, but the ending was weak.  There are already murmurings of a sequel but I don't really see where they'd go, the traditional story of Snow White concluded.

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