Wednesday, May 28, 2014


TAKE 1: One Mans Opinion
…because film is largely subjective

 by Frederick William Springer III

Release Date:   11 April 2014                                                               Runtime:  104 Minutes              
Review Date:  27 May 2014                                                                  Rating:  4 (of 6)

      After my negative experience with The Call, when I saw the WWE Studios logo before this movie started, I sighed, wondering what I had gotten myself into.  Luckily, with Oculus, the fret was misplaced.
     This film goes back and forth from past to present A LOT, so if you find you often have trouble following such things, this movie isn't the one for you.  Otherwise, sit back and enjoy.  It's a solid enough story with some chills mixed in.

     For me, though, the real heebie-jeebies began AFTER the film.  Sitting through all the credits, I was the last person in the theater, minutes to midnight.  As I went to exit the door that was propped open, it suddenly slammed in my face.  To happen to someone who just finished watching a horror movie, NOT COOL!  To top it off, when I got in my car--after the door slam, you're damn straight I checked the back seat before going anywhere--and started the engine, I was greeted by "Evil Woman" on the radio, the movie just being about an evil woman in the mirror.  While this coincidence was a little more laughable, it did add to the overall supernatural ambience of the night.

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