Sunday, March 3, 2013

Jack the Giant Slayer

TAKE 1: One Mans Opinion
…because film is largely subjective

by Frederick William Springer III

Jack the Giant Slayer
Release Date:  1 March 2013                                                                Runtime:  114 Minutes              
Review Date:  3 March 2013                                                                 Rating:  3 (of 6)

Entertainment can be better done!
Ewan McGregor, always a pleasure to see,
But the material and characters--
No connection, no chemistry.

Fairy Tale Features are no easy feat.
See Snow White and the Huntsman for a better treat.
CGI giants do nothing for me,
But the bit with the pigs—that was funny.

These here sentiments conclude my review,
Whether you chose to see it, is now up to you.

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