Sunday, December 9, 2012

House at the End of the Street

TAKE 1: One Mans Opinion
…because film is largely subjective

by Frederick William Springer III
House at the End of the Street
Release Date:   21 September 2012                                                     Runtime:  101 Minutes              
Review Date:  9 December 2012                                                          Rating:  3 (of 6)

Not a bad flick, but House at the End of the Street gave me a case of the blahs.  Now, had the entire movie been what the last 15 to 20 minutes were, they would have had more of a hit on their hands.

Without giving anything away, I'll simply say there were surprises I didn't see coming.  One plot hole that bothered me early on was explained near the end so it wasn't a plot hole at all.

The only thing I really didn't buy was the secret room in a secondary basement below the regular basement.  If the house was previously built, I don't see how the parents could have had it constructed secretly.  And during the course of the movie, we find out it was actually the grandfather's house inherited by the parents, which makes it even more of an anomaly.  Maybe they'd be able to pass it off somehow if it took place in Kansas and it was supposed to be protection from twisters but the setting is Pennsylvania. And, all in all, it didn't look up to par to pass as a bomb shelter either.

But, if it's a rainy blah day, you might not mind sitting through this movie.  If you want some eyecandy in the form of Jennifer Lawrence, you've got it, but I'd say if that's your pleasure, Hunger Games is more enjoyable.

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