Sunday, December 27, 2015


TAKE 1: One Mans Opinion
…because film is largely subjective
by Frederick William Springer III
      I'm officially announcing my semi-retirement.  This blog started to serve as a portfolio should a movie critic position open up and I needed to present sample reviews.
     However, 3 1/2 years and 110 reviews later, it has become more like a chore, an unwanted obligation and any fun has been sucked out of it.  You know what would be fun?  Getting paid.

     I was initially going to hang my hat on the 100th current review (Tomorrowland) mid-July
but with the latest Bond, final Hunger Games and the start of a new Star Wars trilogy all on the immediate horizon, films I thought I might have something to say about, I figured I'd hold on rather than quickly jump out of retirement as soon as I had entered it.

     Now, moving forward, I'll only take to the keyboard if I feel extremely passionate about a film, one way or the other.  Or the movie starts with a "Q", "U", "Y" or "Z", just to fill the alphabet void.

     (June 5, 2012-Dec 23, 2015)

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