Saturday, February 21, 2015

Kingsman: The Secret Service

TAKE 1: One Mans Opinion
…because film is largely subjective
by Frederick William Springer III
Kingsman: The Secret Service
Release Date:  13 February 2015                                                   Runtime:  129 Minutes 
Review Date:  21 February 2015                                                    Rating:  5 (of 6)
     I liked the shooting style of Kingsman, the cinematography well done.  The interactive opening credits were cool.  Humor was sometimes over the top but, whereas in other films it would come across as cheesy or corny, here it wasn't offensive.  The only issue with this picture was one set of special effects that just looked ridiculous but, in the vain of the movie, it played into that humor.  All-in-all, I'd call it "whimsical".
     This writer & writer/director team (Jane Goldman & Matthew Vaughn) has a good pedigree, providing us with both Kick-Ass and X-Men: First Class in the past.

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