Sunday, October 5, 2014

The Purge: Anarchy

TAKE 1: One Mans Opinion
…because film is largely subjective
by Frederick William Springer III
The Purge: Anarchy
Release Date:  18 July 2014                                                              Runtime:  103 Minutes              
Review Date:  5 October 2014                                                           Rating:  3 (of 6)
     As speculated after the first, the basic concept paved the way for numerous possibilities and paths for future sequels to follow.  Here, rather than choosing 1 (or even 2 or 3) of these, The Purge: Anarchy opted to cram too many different directions all in one.
     Instead of one set of protagonists, we have 3 sets that come together, their plight unraveling across a downtown city landscape.  Other than you average, run of the mill Purgers, we have antagonists in the form of 2 specialized groups (and a minor 3rd).  And, just for good measure, we also have an underground rebellion movement taking place.
     While all these components may have been able to work together, I never gave a shit about any of the characters and didn't much care what happened to them.  The way this film was executed left the novelty of the franchise's premise wearing off and nothing otherwise engaging me.
     While I bestowed writer/director James DeMonaco accolades on the first film--"...give a lot of credit because, with a very simple premise, he's managed to set up a potential, never ending franchise..."-- here I take them away, demerits in their place.  DeMonaco could have just killed his potential cash cow, other than it still having been, relatively, dirt cheap to produce at 9 million, recouping almost an additional 21 million it's opening weekend alone. 
     So, though I'll choose to part ways here, I'm sure another installment will be in the works.

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