Friday, January 3, 2014

Thor: The Dark World

TAKE 1: One Mans Opinion
…because film is largely subjective

by Frederick William Springer III
Thor: The Dark World
Release Date:  8 November 2013                                                         Runtime:  112 Minutes              
Review Date:  3 January 2014                                                               Rating:  5 (of 6)

     While not quite as amusing as its predecessor, Thor: The Dark World still pays off.

     ***It is now a month later and this one-sentence review is still sitting on my desktop begging to be finished.  But it has yet to be expounded upon because that concise line sums up my opinion quite nicely, not warranting anything further.

     I can needlessly add that it's also a good blend of both action and humor, many of the snickers occurring during Jane's sidekick Darcy's (Kat Dennings) scenes.  I can also say it's more enjoyable watching Loki (Tom Hiddleston) here than it was in The Avengers.

     At this point, anything else would be grasping at straws as too much time has passed.  But you shouldn't let any more time pass before entertaining yourself with this sequel if you haven't already!

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