Sunday, August 12, 2012

Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter

TAKE 1: One Mans Opinion
…because film is largely subjective
by Frederick William Springer III


Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter
Release Date:  22 June 2012                                                                 Runtime:  105 Minutes              
Review Date:  12 August 2012                                                              Rating:  2.5 (of 6)

Going in, I had no other expectation than the concept being so ridiculous that it may be so bad it's good.  This was not the case.

I put aside the fact that it's based on historical figures and regarded them as any other character in a work of fiction.  While I successfully divorced the two in my mind, it ultimately did not help.  Is it that the story itself was dull and the characters not compelling?  I don't know.

I will say that the screen version of Mary Todd (Mary Elizabeth Winstead) was easy on the eyes, something that can't be said for her real-life counterpart, obviously glamoured up for Hollywood.  The same can be said of Abe (Benjamin Walker), though they did use make up when he was older to make him closer resemble the Lincoln we all know.

Some of the special effects as applied to scenery were cool.

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