Sunday, March 17, 2013

Django Unchained

TAKE 1: One Mans Opinion
…because film is largely subjective

by Frederick William Springer III

Django Unchained
Release Date:  25 December 2012                                                        Runtime:  165 Minutes              
Review Date:  17 March 2013                                                               Rating:  4 (of 6)

     Django Unchained is a well put together, enjoyable tale with a good pace, though there are certainly cuts that could have been made to fine tune it still. 
     Here, my faith in Samuel L. Jackson’s ability to act has been restored.  His brief appearances in the Marvel movies culminating in a main role in The Avengers all fell flat to me.  Worse than flat—phony.
     I’ll go on record saying I don’t like Jonah Hill.  Fortunately, his role is brief, limited to what’s in the trailer, so his presence didn’t taint the rest of the film.  Conversely, I am a fan of Amber Tamblyn and would have liked to have seen more of her rather than a momentary appearance in a window which left me asking if I had, in fact, just seen her.  I’m also a big fan of Kerry Washington, her work in Scandal spectacular, and I wouldn’t have minded seeing more of her onscreen, too.  However, understandably, this movie is named Django not Broomhilda.
     There are a couple scenes with a woman seemingly dressed to conceal the fact that she is a woman, appearing as though it would be the setup of some future plot twist but nothing ever came of it or her. 
     I think the controversy, largely propagated by those that never even saw the film (and so were ignorant as to what occurred), was completely misplaced.  Django Unchained in no way, shape or form glorified slavery.  In fact, its depiction of the slave trade, those that supported and perpetrated it, is deplorable and apprehensible.  As for the use of the word “nigger,” this is a period piece and that is how people spoke at the time, especially slave owners and overseers.  I didn’t feel it was used gratuitously or lightly.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

TAKE 1: One Mans Opinion
…because film is largely subjective

by Frederick William Springer III

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
Release Date:  14 December 2012                                                       Runtime:  169 Minutes              
Review Date:  10 March 2013                                                              Rating:  3 (of 6)

     With magnificently breathtaking set design and scenery along with high craftsmanship costumes and props and a roving camera with a good eye to capture it all, we are easily, believably transported to the realm of Middle Earth.

     However, An Unexpected Journey turned out not to be in reference to Bilbo’s adventure but to how bored I was with this film, very much surprising me as, of the books, I found the Hobbit more enjoyable than The Lord of the Rings trilogy by leaps and bounds but it appears a complete reversal has taken place when it comes to the movie versions.

     This is perhaps due to the relationship between Frodo, Samwise, Pippin and Merry at the core (and the rest of the company to a lesser extent) in which one could relate to and invest in whereas here there is no such connection with Bilbo and the dwarf entourage (that indistinctively blend into one another), feelings and emotions falling flat.

     While not a bad film, it’s not one I’d have any interest viewing again.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Rise of the Guardians

TAKE 1: One Mans Opinion
…because film is largely subjective 

by Frederick William Springer III

Rise of the Guardians

Release Date:  21 November 2012                                                        Runtime:  97 Minutes              
Review Date:  5 March 2013                                                                  Rating:  5 (of 6)

     If you can put aside the fact that the collective cultural Santa Clause as known today has his origins in many places, NONE of them being Russia (I don’t know if this ridiculousness originates in the book which the movie is based or one propagated by the filmmakers*), Rise of the Guardians is a cute movie with plenty of sentimental moments--Jack Frost the heart of the story, a misfit yearning to learn where he fits in, a lone wolf by circumstance rather than desire.
     All in all, the film makes me miss being a kid.  The 3D is pretty cool, too!

*It does, in fact, originate in the books, plural.  Despite this, the Guardians of Children series will be entering my reading queue.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Jack the Giant Slayer

TAKE 1: One Mans Opinion
…because film is largely subjective

by Frederick William Springer III

Jack the Giant Slayer
Release Date:  1 March 2013                                                                Runtime:  114 Minutes              
Review Date:  3 March 2013                                                                 Rating:  3 (of 6)

Entertainment can be better done!
Ewan McGregor, always a pleasure to see,
But the material and characters--
No connection, no chemistry.

Fairy Tale Features are no easy feat.
See Snow White and the Huntsman for a better treat.
CGI giants do nothing for me,
But the bit with the pigs—that was funny.

These here sentiments conclude my review,
Whether you chose to see it, is now up to you.